Eleanor Lee-Bognar
Grad Dip (Physiotherapy) (Cumberland)
ELEANOR HAS WORKED in women's health since 1997. Prior to that, she worked at several major teaching hospitals in Sydney. Eleanor has worked in private practice for many years and participates in regular ongoing education and conferences.

CLINICALLY, SHE IS ENTHUSIASTIC about the difference conservative management of pelvic floor dysfunctions can make towards improving patient's quality of life. She works closely with a number of Sydney's leading Urogynaecologists in the management of patients pre and post operatively for pelvic floor muscle training and bladder re-education. She has established a strong referral base with Inner West shared care GPs, Obstetricians and GPs specialising in Women's Health.

USING MANUAL THERAPY and exercise prescription to assist women with pelvic girdle pain and back pain during and after pregnancy has been another of Eleanor's mainstream interests.